Fall Open House A Success

On Tuesday, October 29th, the Springfield Chamber held its fall Open House, opening the doors of the Depot to everyone. Over 90 local business professionals filled the freight room for an early evening of food, drink, and conversation. Food was catered by Along Came Trudy, and drinks were donated by Plank Town Brewing Company, and the event sponsored by Kaiser Permanente.
Nick Nelson, Executive Committee Member and Chair of Membership Committee, thanked Chamber supporters, shared recent wins, and previewed upcoming chamber events. Nick and the staff also welcomed new chamber members, and called those in attendance to introduce themselves to those gathered Raffle prizes were generously donated by Cornucopia Main Street, Oishii Sushi, and Three Rivers Casino Resort. Congratulations to our winners – join us and bring a friend for a chance to win at our next Open House!
The Chamber’s next Open House will be in April of 2020. Be certain you are receiving the weekly “Member Connect” email to stay informed of upcoming events, an thank you to our members for a fun evening.