Springfield Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee is Seeking New Members!

The City of Springfield is currently seeking applications from Springfield residents to serve on the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC); applications will be accepted until 5 p.m., December 13. The City will fill four to 10 positions on the Committee from the applications received by the deadline.
The Committee advises City of Springfield staff and partner agencies on bicycle and pedestrian policies, programs, and facilities. The Committee meets approximately six times each year on Tuesday evenings and candidates will be appointed to serve a three-year term beginning in January 2020.
Applicants should have an interest in promoting walking, biking, and other forms of active transportation in Springfield. The City would like to have a diverse representation on the committee, including, but not limited to, youth, seniors, people with mobility, hearing, sight, or cognitive disabilities, and mountain and BMX bicycle riders.
More information about the committee is available at http://www.springfield-or.gov/city/development-public-works/bicycle-and-pedestrian-advisory-committee/.
Who: Springfield residents within Springfield’s Urban Growth Boundary can apply
When: Applications will be accepted until 5 p.m., December 13
Where: Applications are available in the City Manager’s Office at 225 Fifth Street in Downtown Springfield or online at springfield-or.gov
For more information, contact: Emma Newman, Senior Transportation Planner, 541.726.4585, enewman@springfield-or.gov.