Bike Friendly Business Movie Night in Springfield

Submitted by James Decker, City of Springfield
Bicycle Friendly Businesses (BFB), a program with Travel Oregon, is holding a Movie Night event co-sponsored by the Springfield Chamber. The BFB Movie Night is a certification event that allows for businesses in the Springfield region to tap into bike-related tourism. The City of Springfield is currently reaching out to businesses across Springfield that may fit the guidelines to become bike friendly business certified. Once certified, the businesses are featured in Travel Oregon’s marketing channels. The event itself is an hour and a half: business owners are shown a quick PowerPoint presentation, watch a movie of the benefits that come with being certified, and then will have a chance to meet with the sponsors of the event, as well as have hands-on guidance in filling out the applications. This is a great opportunity to network with businesses in Springfield and the people behind them.
Bike Friendly Business Movie Night, Springfield OR

When: June 3rd, 6:30-8:00PM – RSVP HERE.
Where: Library Meeting Room Springfield City Hall, 255 5th Street Springfield, OR, 97477
Are you a restaurant, retailer, hotel, information center, or bike shop that offers services to visitors?
If so, join us for a presentation on the benefits of bike tourism, apply to be a Bike Friendly Business through Travel Oregon, and be entered into a raffle to win a free Bike Friendly Business sign! Snacks and refreshments will be provided! For more information and to RSVP by May 30th, visit THIS WEBSITE.
For more information about Travel Oregon’s Bike Friendly Business program click HERE.
Eugene BFB Movie Night: June 5, 7:30-9:00AM –
Event sponsors: City of Springfield, Springfield Chamber of Commerce, City of Eugene, Eugene Area Chamber of Commerce, Point2Point at LTD, Travel Lane County, Travel Oregon, and Lane Council of Governments.
Co-Hosts: Point2Point at Lane Transit District, City of Eugene Transportation Planning, Eugene Cascades & Coasts – Travel Lane County, Travel Oregon, May is Bike Month #WeBikeLane
Questions about the event? Contact Emma Newman at or (541) 726-4585.