LCC Offers Summer Trade Skills Courses, Johnson Crushers Sponsors Scholarship for Local High School Student


Several weeks ago, hearing of severe skilled worker shortages to meet a growing local demand, the Chamber’s Education Committee convened a problem-solving group with Lane Community College, Lane Workforce Partnership, and companies from manufacturing and construction. The outcome is very exciting. Three summer programs have been approved by LCC administration and are accepting student enrollment now: Trade Skills Fundamentals, Fabrication & Welding Technology courses, and CNC and Manufacturing Basics courses.

Anyone is welcome to enroll. All courses are available for local high school students, tuition-free. One $450 scholarship to cover the remaining enrollment and book fees has been provided by Johnson Crushers International (JCI) for a Springfield student enrolling in the Trade Skills Fundamental (TSF) course this summer.

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In photo: Avril Watt, General Manager of JCI, chair of the Chamber’s Education Committee, shakes hands with High School student Kade Kienle, first recipient of this TSF scholarship.Congratulations Kade, and thank you JCI!

Lane Community College Summer Courses: Enrolling Now

Summer Welding Courses

Summer Term June 21- Sept 8, 2021

Consider an exciting career in fabrication and welding technology! For more information contact:

Trade Skills Fundamentals Apprenticeship Program

Summer Term June 21- Sept 8, 2021

CRN#10829, APR 101 Trade Skill Fundamentals, 4 credits
June 22-Sept 2, Tues/Thurs, 6-8:50 pm, Online

For more information contact Joy Crump:

LCC Manufacturing Program

Summer Term June 21- Sept 8, 2021
CNC101 CNC Concepts
CRN: 10935, 3cr.
Mon/Wed 08:00a-10:50a

MFG101 Safety and Basic Shop Practice
CRN: 10939, 3cr.
Mon/Wed 11:00a-01:50p
MFG102 Shop Measurement and Coordinate System
CRN: 10938, 3cr.

MFG103 Metal Cutting Basics
CRN: 10940, 3cr.
Mon/Wed 11:00a-01:50p
