Defend Small Business PAC Calls for Contributions

So many small businesses in Oregon have been saddled with the lion’s share of economic stressors brought on by two years of public health crisis. Whether losing customers to the larger infrastructures of big-box competitors or being forced to lay off employees after being deemed “non-essential,” specialty stores and smaller retailers have exceedingly suffered.
While we celebrate the stories of businesses that were able to withstand these recent economic stressors and keep their doors open, it is important to remember that many local businesses still haven’t fully recovered, and many remain vulnerable.
The Defend Small Business PAC – the political action committee of the Oregon State Chamber of Commerce – advocates for elected officials that realize the importance of these smaller businesses to our communities.
From taxes to workplace mandates, The Defend Small Business PAC supports local businesses, their employees, and the community with the strength of collective voice, and they are asking for contributions to help fight for small businesses during this pivotal time.
So many citizens understand that our small businesses are the lifeblood of our community, but simply don’t know what they can do – or feel like they don’t have the means – to help.
The State of Oregon, through the Oregon Political Tax Credit, provides every taxpayer with a $50 “gift” that can be donated to their political campaign of choice*. But if they don’t donate it, they are required to pay it back to the state. The Defend Small Business PAC reminds taxpayers they can give up to $50 per person ($100 per couple) to advocate on behalf of small business interests, and get the entire amount back when they file their Oregon income taxes.
Any taxpayer can use the Oregon Political Tax Credit to offer critical support to the community at no personal cost. Find out more about this and other ways of contributing to the Defend Small Business PAC by visiting their page on the Oregon State Chamber of Commerce website.
*NOTE: The tax credit is now only available to single adults with incomes under $75,000 and joint filers with income under $150,000. Learn more here.