Chamber Open House to celebrate renovated home for the business community


Join us on April 26th from 5:00-7:00 PM

Intermittent time in the office over the past two years presented the Springfield Chamber with many challenges, but also a wonderful opportunity to begin building Chamber space that is a true modern home for our business community. Updates to our welcome area, offices, conference room, and large meeting space provide a new opportunity for our business community to meet in a first-class facility. Thanks to the work of our Board of Directors, staff, and a fantastic group of contractors and business partners, the Springfield Chamber is excited to once again open our doors to the community and gather in a refreshed space.

We hope that you can join us on on Tuesday April 26th, from 5:00 to 7:00 PM for an Open House, and be sure to bring a friend. Get to know your fellow chamber members and staff, tour the renovations and added meeting technology, participate in Chamber Trivia, and grab a bite to eat and drink as we celebrate together!

Thank you to the many partners that made our new home possible:

Total Renovation

  • Chambers Construction
  • Campfire Collaborative
  • Rotary Club of Springfield
  • City of Springfield
  • Third Generation Painting Co.
  • Sherwin Williams
  • Rubenstein’s Contract Carpet
  • Springfield Chamber Members

Meeting & Gathering Space

  • McKenzie Glass
  • Sunset Electric

Conference Meeting Room

  • Advance Cabinet Designs Inc.
  • Urban Lumber Company

Equipment & Technology

  • Oregon Cascades West Council of Governments
  • Vollara Air Scrubbers