Planning Commission Launches Platform to Enhance Meetings and Public Hearings


The City of Springfield’s Planning Commission has launched a new online platform called “SpringfieldOregonSpeaks” that allows community members to participate in meetings and public hearings anytime, anywhere. The Commission recognized that new technology was needed to enhance public participation during their meetings and public hearings.

“By implementing ‘SpringfieldOregonSpeaks,’ the Planning Commission hopes to make its meeting more accessible,” said Planning Commission Chair Sophie McGinley. “It can be difficult or inconvenient to attend meetings and ‘SpringfieldOregonSpeaks’ offers the opportunity for folks to comment ahead of time, see what other community members think, and watch the meeting live or when it is convenient for them.” 

“It also archives past meetings and materials in an intuitive and easily accessed place,” she added. “City processes are intended to be open for everyone. The Commission is hoping to hear from more of the community and make it easier and simpler for people to be involved.”

The “SpringfieldOregonSpeaks” platform enhances the existing meeting and public hearing process and does not replace it. The addition of the platform provides a convenient, online, and transparent repository for comments for planning and zoning-related cases brought before Planning Commission. To view the new platform go to

  • What: Launch of “SpringfieldOregonSpeaks” platform for Planning Commission meetings, public hearings and for overall engagement
  • Who: Springfield community members; business and property owners
  • When: Available now
  • Where:
  • Additional Information: Sandy Belson, Comprehensive Planning Manager, at 541.736.7135 or
  • Background: The Springfield Planning Commission is a seven-member volunteer Commission appointed by the Mayor and City Council. Commissioners are appointed to four-year terms. Of the seven members, two members may live outside the City limits. No more than two members shall be engaged in the same kind of business, trade, profession, or occupation. It is staffed by the Community Development Division within the Department of Development and Public Works.
