OSCC Action Alert – SB 330

![]() SUPPORT SB 330: Income Tax Credit for Rent Forgiveness The Senate Committee On Housing and Development is holding a public hearing on SB 330 tomorrow, Tuesday, March 2nd at 1pm. This bill is very important for commercial property owners and their tenants. OSCC SUPPORTS SB 330. This is an important bill that would give landlords a tax credit for forgiveness of tenant rent. SB 330 would support our local property owners while also providing immediate relief to tenants. You can view OSCC’s testimony here. Now is the time to ask the Senate Committee on Housing and Development to SUPPORT SB 330. Take Action by submitting your written testimony to the committee. You can download the template letter here. How to Submit Written Testimony Provide your letter of testimony on your Chamber letterhead. You can download the template letter here. Please provide specific, local examples where possible. You will want to create a PDF of your letter to upload.Submit your letter through the Testimony Portal on the Oregon Legislative Information System (OLIS). You will find this link at the bottom of the committee page on the “Click to Submit Testimony” link. When submitting testimony, you will need to:Select the committee hearing the bill: Senate Committee on Housing and Development Select the hearing date: March 2, 2021 at 1:00 PM Select the bill you are submitting testimony on: SB 330 You can also register to testify remotely. Please view the guide below for instructions on how to sign up. You MUST register in order to testify. Registration closes at the time the meeting begins. ![]() DOWNLOAD “HOW TO TESTIFY” GUIDE Oregon State Chamber of Commerce (OSCC) | 991 Liberty Street SE, Salem, OR 97302 |