
Wildfire Relief Funds From Business, For Business

Pictured Above: Takoda’s Restaurant

Springfield, OR (February 4, 2021) —The Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce received a $5,000 grant through the Oregon Business Wildfire Relief Fund. The September wildfires ravaged hundreds of thousands of acres in Oregon, displacing many Oregonians’ homes and livelihoods. In response to this tremendous crisis, the Springfield Chamber created the Gifts of Hope and Courage program to distribute these funds amongst local businesses and their employees who have been impacted by the wildfires. Five local restaurants including Takoda’s Restaurant, Ike’s Pizza, Obsidian Grill, McKenzie Station Pub, and Vida Cafe, along with McKenzie Mist, will be receiving grants to go towards their resiliency and recovery efforts.

Vida Café owners Brian & Kellie Cline received their gift with surprise and gratitude writing in a thank you note to the Chamber community; “It has been an incredibly hard year, but I want you all to know that you are part of the positive outcome.” Kellie Cline said that despite having lost their home in the fire, and their business being severely impacted, the support from the community has been such that their six children have been able to witness “people rise up to help one another and neighbors who didn’t get along become allies.” Cline went on to say, “You may have thought this was just a small gesture, but please know it is so much more.”

The Oregon Business Wildfire Relief Fund was made possible by Oregon State Chamber of Commerce, Oregon Business & Industry, Oregon Business Council, and the Oregon Bankers Association.

About the Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce
The Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce is a 501 (c) 6 membership-based association comprised of private, public, and non-profit organizations in the Springfield, Eugene, and surrounding communities. The Chamber advances economic development and prosperity for our region through business education, legislative advocacy, workforce, professional and leadership development, and provides business resources, programs and services to member organizations. 

For more information about the Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce, visit
