CCS Winter Clothing Drive goes virtual


January 1-31, 2021

Donate to the Virtual Clothing Drive at

Catholic Community Services (CCS) of Lane County remains closed to the public, therefore we cannot accept clothing donations…. But we are still serving our clients and need your help.

When CCS took steps to protect clients, volunteers, staff and donors from the spread of COVID-19, one of the first things we did was clear out our free clothing donation room in Springfield.  The donated clothing that had been stored and quarantined was given away last Spring, leaving the room empty.  This has allowed some generous CCS volunteers to work on remodeling it to make it a more welcoming and inviting place for clients when it re-opens to the public. 

catholic community services

The clothing room is not yet ready to receive donations so our annual Winter Clothing Drive will go virtual this year.  Monetary donations will allow CCS to provide our clients with clothing vouchers at local thrift stores and gift cards to local clothing stores.  CCS will also purchase basic items like socks, hats, gloves and sweatshirts to have on hand in our two Community Service Centers, located in Eugene at 1464 W. 6th Ave. and in Springfield at 1025 G Street.

“We can’t wait for the re-opening of our clothing room and will continue to distribute all items free of charge to our clients when we are able, but until then, we appreciate your financial support to keep folks in clean, warm clothes during the winter”, said Stefani Roybal, Development Director.  

Please visit to make a donation during the month of January. We cannot accept clothing donations at this time. We do accept donations of hygiene and cleaning items.
