Community Leaders Comment on Indoor Track: Part 1

Part 1: Sean VanGordon and Pat Walsh
The Chamber reached out to a few community and business leaders to hear their thoughts on the proposed indoor track project in Glenwood. For the next few weeks, we will be sharing the comments we have received to questions asked about the indoor track project and the impact it could have on the greater Springfield/Eugene community.
To start off, we’ll share interviews with Sean VanGordon, City Councilor – Ward 1, and Pat Walsh, Senior Director of Marketing and Communications at Northwest Christian University.
Read our Part 2 interview HERE (Tina Patel and Jim Christian )
Read Our Part 3 interview HERE (Michael Reilly and Nicole Nelson)
Sean VanGordon
City Councilor, Ward 1

From your unique perspective, why is this project an important one for the Springfield community? And, how will our community benefit?
Springfield has long dreamed of significant redevelopement for Glenwood. While we have made progress, the track is the next logical step for us to take. It provides us with the opportunity to have a world-class facility that we can use to host both community events, regional sports tournaments, concerts, and other sporting events. The track will be a catalyst for development in the riverfront area because it will bring people to the area. When you have people in the area, they need services including restaurants and hotels. For our community, there is an economic and health benefit from having the track. The economic development is from the jobs that a built out riverfront will accomplish, and the tourist activity of coming to the area for sports and other events. The health benefit comes from any way that we can promote healthy lifestyles and activities will be amazing for us and our families.
What current unmet community needs will this facility help address?
Our Springfield community needs additional event space for all sizes. We need places for our kids to have sports tournaments. Simply take the example of the Chambers Awards Dinner. It is hosted at Lane Community College because we lack event space.
Why do you support this project?
The Glenwood riverfront is a special place, and it needs to be unique development. When you are in Glenwood, I want you to be sure that you are in Springfield, OR, and not anywhere else in the world. The track gives us the opportunity to build something truly unique in Springfield.
Pat Walsh
Senior Director of Marketing and Communications at Northwest Christian University

Even as our community reopens and rebounds from the impact of the pandemic, why do you believe now is the right time to move this project forward?
As COVID-19 has forced all of us to reexamine how our values truly represent our lives, community, and our work, I believe the indoor track facility is a catalyst to unite the community and the region next to a project that promotes what we value most; healthful living, employment opportunities, and the chance to showcase our quality of life to those across the state, throughout the nation, and around the globe.
What benefits do you see in this vision for Springfield and our region?
The indoor track facility is an important evolution of the statewide TrackTown USA vision that truly sprung from the paths along the Willamette River to Hayward Field and beyond. TrackTown USA without an indoor track facility is like Nike without the swoosh.