A “Normal” Letter from our Board Chair


Normal is a funny word, often associated with a ho-hum, same-old-same-old feeling.  But it can also be seen as consistent, and predictable, and maybe best described as even-keeled.  Since the Board Chair “normally” provides a recap of the past year in the December Bottom Line, I have taken the occasion to pen a few thoughts on the matter; and maybe these won’t be boring or mundane, but instead…normal.  Our 2020 annual banquet was only 11 months ago and by all indications we were looking forward to another exciting year of growth and opportunity.  No one imagined that a short two months later we would be entering the most challenging times we’ve ever seen.  Businesses were shut down, families and friends were separated, and our country entered an economic and healthcare crisis of epic proportions.  But our community, like it always does, has rallied and we continue to stay strong in the face of on-going challenges.  One way that has been accomplished is through the efforts of your Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce.  

Vonnie and her staff have done truly remarkable things.  They’ve moved communications from in-person to virtual meetings.  They’ve moved from working in a close-knit office, to working remotely.  And they’ve managed to do all of this while delivering on our promise to promote and advocate for our business, education, and government members.  Need some examples?  How about the Chamber’s response to the PPE crisis?  The Chamber secured thousands of protective masks for small businesses when they were so desperately needed.  Our Government Issues Committee conducted virtual candidate forums for our state and local officials during the recent election cycle; making sure they had a voice and that we had a voice.  We as a Chamber advocated for LCC’s bond measure, helping to ensure that one of our important career technical institutions remains a vibrant resource for our young people.  And let’s not forget the amount of information that the Chamber has provided – wildfire updates, OSHA compliance answers, legislative initiative updates, PPP application processes, and the list goes on.  Amazingly, through all of this and by the support of our wonderful members, we have remained fiscally sound and poised for whatever 2021 holds.  Your Chamber has not “rested on its laurels.”

I humbly leave you with this to consider.  It’s commonplace to hear the times we are living in are the “new normal.”  I disagree.  While issues like the COVID pandemic, political and social differences, and wildfires have all converged in a crazy quilt pattern of chaos, we are still “normal.”  What I mean is, our resolve as a community and a nation are unchanged.  We know we will prevail and that we will ultimately be successful in the face of all that 2020 has thrown at us.  That is being “normal.” That is what we do.  I encourage everyone during this Holiday Season to act “normal.”  Enjoy time with family and friends, responsibly, maybe over a phone call or a video, but above all, be “normal.”

I wish you all a peaceful Christmas season and a Happy New Year,

Charlie Kimball – Board Chair
Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce
