Catholic Community Services Back to School Drive

There’s nothing like starting off the new school year with a new backpack and a fresh box of crayons! As you are shopping for pens, paper, and post-it’s…consider picking up a few extra items to share with kids in need. During the month of August, Catholic Community Services is collecting new school supplies and backpacks for families served by Case Managers and the Service Centers in Eugene and Springfield.
Drop off your donations of school supplies to CCS locations Monday through Friday between 8am and 4pm. In Eugene, CCS is located on 6th street between Polk and Chambers. In Springfield, we are at the corner of 10th and G.
For a list of needed supplies or to make an online donation and let CCS handle the shopping, visit If you would like to host a collection bin at your place of business, please contact CCS at 541-345-3628 x317. Your donations will be distributed to students in need at no cost to their families.