Lane Workforce Partnership Names Interim Executive Director


Lane Workforce Partnership is pleased to announce that Ashley Espinoza has been named Interim Executive Director effective January 1, 2022. Ms. Espinoza has been with Lane Workforce Partnership since 2018 in the role of Sector Strategy Director. This decision was made at the November 17, 2021 Executive Board meeting at the recommendation of the current Executive Director, Kristina Payne. After 8-years at the helm, Ms. Payne has decided to step down from the role in order to accompany her husband of 31 years in a move to Redding, CA. Earlier this month, Ms. Payne’s husband Todd Payne was named the President of lumber operations for Sierra Pacific Industries (headquartered in Redding). 

“I feel so lucky to have worked for the last 22 years for an organization that truly makes a difference in peoples’ lives. I’ve watched people move out of poverty into high wage jobs; I’ve created high wage jobs that never existed before in the community; I’ve designed new training programs, and I’ve demonstrated to companies that Lane County is the place to find great talent! 

I believe that Ashley Espinoza will take this organization to new heights and will continue to be a force in the community that will result in positive outcomes for both industry and job seekers across the county.”

Kristina Payne 

Ms. Espinoza has actively served in the community for over 10 years. Her current appointments include: Vice Chair of the Oregon Commission on Hispanic Affairs, member of the Oregon State Apprenticeship and Training Council, member of the Leadership Council for the Oregon Community Foundation and the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art, board member for the Bethel School District and the Centro Latino Americano/Huerto de La Familia/Downtown Languages merged organization. Additional committee work includes Elevate Industry Advisory; Latino a/x Workgroup; Lane County Poverty and Homelessness Board, Employment Group; Lane Economic Committee, Lane Council of Governments. 

Ms. Espinoza is the co-founder and President of Latino Professionals Connect, a Professional networking group in Lane County that offers an intercultural space for professionals and business owners to learn from one another and build social capital. 

Notable awards and recognitions include United Way Volunteer of Year – 2018; Eugene Chamber of Commerce 20 Under 40 – 2019; MLK Women of Achievement (NAACP Eugene/Springfield) – 2020; Eugene Chamber of Commerce Celebration of Women Honorees – 2020. Most recently, Ms. Espinoza is featured in the December 2021/January 2022 issue of Mom Magazine which is published in three Northwest markets: Eugene-Springfield, Mid-Willamette Valley, and Salem. You can view the full article here: 

Ms. Espinoza’s passion and expertise is in workforce and economic development, public & private sector collaboration, and community engagement. 

About Lane Workforce Partnership 
Lane Workforce Partnership, the designated local Workforce investment Board for Lane County, Oregon, funds and delivers programs that empower job seekers to meet the current and future workforce needs of employers in Lane County. Programs and services are delivered through a network of local partners including employers, labor groups, government, community colleges, high schools, community-based organizations, and economic development. Lane Workforce Partnership is one of nine workforce boards statewide. 
