WorkSource Lane Services


WorkSource Lane is one of 39 offices statewide. Located in Florence and Eugene, Oregon, WorkSource Lane is a network of public and private partners who work together to bring services in career guidance, interview skills, training dollars, resume assistance, recruitment, workforce data and much more. WorkSource services are available to all Oregon residents, employers and priority of service to Veterans and their family members. WorkSource Lane is located off Coburg Road at 2510 Oakmont Way in Eugene and off Highway 101 at 3180 Highway 101 in Florence.

WorkSource Lane staff are experts in helping individuals to discover their career path, fine tune interviewing skills or provide funding to reach their career goals. The workforce challenges with COVID-19 and staff shortages have encouraged our staff to think outside the box so we can continue seamless services to Oregonians. We are excited to partner with Lane Workforce Partnership, Springfield and Eugene Chambers, Onward Eugene, Business Oregon and other organizations to help recruit, retain and resolve workforce challenges. Our partners manage programs that can help supplement wages while your new or existing employee is in training. Think of WorkSource if you are facing or hearing workforce challenges; we are here for you!

Think of WorkSource if you are facing or hearing workforce challenges; we are here for you!
