Springfield Seeking Community Input for Floodplain Overlay District Code Update


The City of Springfield is proposing updates to the Springfield Development Code to ensure it aligns with current Federal and State regulations for floodplain districts. Making the required updates will allow the City to continue participating in the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), better protect lives from flood hazard, and reduce flood related property damage.

The proposed updates are based on the State of Oregon Model Flood Hazard Management Ordinance (effective October 2020). Many of the proposed code amendments are administrative changes and do not affect the type of development or the standards of development in the floodplain.

The subject properties are those areas located within the City of Springfield’s Floodplain Overlay District. The proposed code amendments, applicable criteria, staff reports, and draft ordinances are available here.

The City is seeking input from community members and invites them to provide feedback on the proposed changes. A joint public hearing will be held with Springfield City Council and Lane County Board of Commissioners at 7 p.m., Monday, December 13, 2021 in an online meeting via Zoom. Learn more by viewing the work session which starts at 6:30 p.m.

  • Who: Community members within the Springfield urban growth boundary
  • What: Public Hearing regarding update to the Springfield Development Code, Section 3.3-400 Floodplain Overlay District
  • When:  7 p.m. on Monday, December 13, 2021; Work session 6:30 p.m.
  • Where: Online meeting – registration is required. REGISTER HERE 
  • Additional Information: Contact Interim Planning Manager Sandy Belson with the Development & Public Works Department, Community Development Division, at 541.736.7135 or sbelson@springfield-or.gov

Proposed Development Code updates include:

  • Change how to measure the height above the ground when placing a manufactured dwelling and change how the manufactured dwelling must be anchored.
  • Require that structures come into compliance with Development Standards when there is a conversion of the structure from one type to another.
  • Require (rather than just advise) that the lowest floor of proposed development be elevated at least two feet above grade in areas where the base flood elevation is unknown.
  • Apply standards/requirements for flood openings to many situations, not just residential development and prohibit storage of hazardous materials in crawl spaces unless they are contained within a tank.
  • Allow attached garages to be constructed below the base flood elevation when they meet certain standards but prohibit the storage of hazardous materials unless they are elevated at least one foot above the base flood elevation or are contained within a tank.
  • Require that owners of RV parks and RV storage enter into an agreement with the City ensuring compliance with floodplain regulations and create an emergency plan that specifies how flood warnings will be received and how vehicles, trailers, and occupants will be safely evacuated in the event of a flood.

View Frequently Asked Questions and Key Changes for additional updates and information:
