Pledge to Shop Small Safely with #LoveLaneBiz


A couple months ago, with our partners at the Eugene Chamber and Travel Lane County, we put together the #LoveLaneBiz Business Pledge –  A Pledge to Safely Serve the Community. This is a commitment shared by businesses and community members to ensure the safety of patrons, employees, and neighbors, to stay informed, to shop local whenever possible, and to remain patient, kind, and respectful today, tomorrow, and all the way to economic recovery. 

We’d like to bring attention back to this pledge as we continue our journey of navigating open businesses safely, in particular for our small and local businesses. Supporting local businesses during this time will help these companies bounce back and our economy to recover. Right now, that support means shopping local, following health guidelines, and providing grace and understanding as businesses adapt to and navigate new guidelines being required by the state.

We encourage community members to take this pledge to support our local businesses; our neighbors; our friends; our families; and our community as we work to keep Lane County open.

It’s not too late to participate – sign the pledge today as a customer or business to promise and make sure to share on social media and spread the word! Check out the webpage for a complete list of businesses and customers who have taken the pledge!
