Standing with Our New Neighbors


A week to celebrate and support refugees in Lane County

When:Monday, June 15, 2020 to Saturday, June 20, 2020
What:A week-long virtual celebration and fundraising campaign for the Refugee and Immigrant Services Program (RISP) of Catholic Community Services, starting on Monday, June 15, 2020, and culminating on World Refugee Day (WRD), Saturday, June 20, 2020.
Why:To raise awareness of the needs of refugees, immigrants, and asylum-seekers while offering a week-long (June 15 – 20) opportunity for supporters to provide financial assistance to the Refugee and Immigrant Services Program (RISP), a partnership between Catholic Community Services and the Refugee Resettlement Coalition of Lane County.
Details:Each of the following days will feature a different aspect of this unique and important program. Each day will feature pertinent interviews, opportunities to learn about the aspect in focus, and an opportunity to make a contribution to the continuance of this vital work.
June 15– Overview of the partnership between the Refugee Resettlement Coalition and RISP
June 16– Focus on Refugee Services
June 17– Focus on Services to Asylum-Seekers
June 18– Focus on Immigration Legal Services
June 19– Focus on the Dedicated Work of Volunteers
June 20– World Refugee Day

How Can You Help?

catholic community services

About Catholic Community Services of Lane County
Catholic Community Services of Lane County, a Catholic Charities Agency, was founded in 1952 with the intention of helping families and individuals in need while recognizing the dignity of every human being. 68 years later, Catholic Community Services of Lane County continues to provide assistance for anyone in need, regardless of religion, race, lifestyle, or status. 
