Local Businesses Adjust to Reopening Guidelines

How Residents can Make the Transition Smooth
Eugene, OR – Travel Lane County, along with our area chambers of commerce, are excited that Lane County is moving into phase one reopening. Many businesses have gone to great lengths to continue serving customers during the last couple of months and area residents have been supportive of these businesses. Phase one reopening provides us an opportunity to support these and many more businesses that will begin operating in the weeks ahead.
Non-essential travel is not allowed in phase one, so all residents should stay local and support local until phase two. When phase two is approved additional information will be provided on how to appropriately visit our beautiful Eugene, Cascades & Coast region.
Supporting our local businesses goes beyond sales and services transactions. Businesses need these transactions and they need additional support as they adapt to the guidelines the state is requiring. So here are a few suggestions for supporting our businesses.
Patience – Businesses may choose not to reopen immediately and that’s okay. Each business is unique and is addressing how best to operate their business in a safe and successful manner. Adjusting to customer spacing and service delivery will require all of us to be prepared to modify our expectations. Our businesses strive to provide great experiences and attaining the high standards these businesses are used to providing will take time to be realized.
Respect – Employees are being asked to serve us in new ways and they will need time to adjust. We can support them during this transition and realize they are being placed at higher risk to serve us. Thank them and be generous with tipping to show them they are appreciated.
Thoughtfulness – Acceptance and adherence to safety requirements will vary by business and we can help businesses be successful by being thoughtful and be wearing required face covering where necessary, staying home if we are sick and following all suggested hygiene protocols.
We look forward to successfully moving from phase one to phase two and beyond. While this requires Lane county to meet specific health guidelines, it also requires support of our local businesses.
Eugene/Springfield Chamber of Commerce’s BACK TO BUSINESS Reopening Guide
Travel Lane County Hotel Video
Travel Lane County Restaurant Video
Travel Lane County Restaurant Blog
Lane County Open for Business
Contact Us
Andy Vobora, Vice President of Stakeholder Relations, Travel Lane County
541.743.8770; 800.547.5445
Travel Lane County markets and promotes the Eugene, Cascades and Coast region as a destination for travel, conventions, sports, meetings and events. It serves as a private, nonprofit association dedicated to economic development through visitor spending, which pumped more than $762 million into Lane County, Oregon’s economy in 2018. EugeneCascadesCoast.org.