Pine Ridge Golf Club COVID-19 Update

Pine Ridge Golf Club is happy to announce that the course is open. And we have implemented a PARK and PLAY program to give you the confidence that you can drive to our course, park your car, get to and around the course, and back to the parking lot in a safe environment.
This is an unprecedented time in our history. The health and wellbeing of our customers, staff and surrounding community is our primary concern. Over the past weeks, our club has implemented many precautionary health and safety measures in accordance with guidelines from state and federal authorities. We will continue these practices to allow our community access to our facility.
Our governors recent Executive Order allows golf courses in Oregon to remain open. Paragraph 21 underOutdoor Recreation and Travel states the following:
- For public recreational areas that are permitted to remain open subject to this Executive Order, signs requiring social distancing must be posted at all entrances, exits, and in prominent areas. On-site restrooms must have trash cans, and soap and water or hand sanitizer available. Users of open public recreational areas must strictly adhere to social distancing guidelines.
To implement PARK and PLAY at Pine Ridge Golf Club, we will:
- Limit the Pro Shop to only one customer at a time to maintain proper social distancing.
- Encourage golfers to pay in advance online or over the phone with a credit card, show up to a pre-positioned sanitized golf car, and proceed to the first tee without personal contact. All golf cars will be sanitized after each use.
- Recommend all customers update credit card information on file and book tee times online or directly with the club via phone while the social distancing guidelines are in place.
- Limit all golf cars to one rider per car. This includes all member owned cars.
- Turn Greens Cups upside down so flags do not have to be removed.
- Turn Putting Green Cups upside down and remove flags.
- Cover all ball washers.
- Remove all bunker rakes.
- Remove all water stations from the course and advise customers to purchase beverages prior to tee off.
- Monitor and remind all customers to follow social distancing guidelines.
Pine Ridge Golf Club is committed to the continuing safety of our community. By enabling our players to get out and play golf, it is our hope to extend some sense of normalcy in a world turned on its head by the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Stay safe, be healthy, and play golf,

Pine Ridge Golf Club Management