Let’s Weigh in – Oregon Business Plan Survey


OBP Strategy and Business Environment Survey

The Chamber is partnering with the Oregon Business Plan on a survey that will provide guidance around strategic economic development priorities and inform state policymakers and leaders of the experience of doing business in Oregon. Your knowledge, experience, and expertise matters. I’d strongly encourage you to take 5-10 minutes to complete the survey. We’ll keep you informed and engaged in results and outcomes. 

-Vonnie Mikkelsen, President and CEO


What is the Oregon Business Plan
As you may know, the Oregon Business Plan (OBP) is both a partnership of Oregon’s major business organizations and a strategy to grow jobs, raise incomes and reduce poverty by supporting policies for economic growth and well-being. 

Why your perspective is so important to hear
As part of an effort to update the Oregon Business Plan’s strategy to grow the economy, Business Plan partners are conducting a survey of business executives and leaders across Oregon. The goal is to better understand both the assets to growth and the barriers standing in the way of it statewide. 

How the OBP survey will benefit you
Business Plan partners are going to use the data collected to educate policy makers about the impediments to growth businesses are facing and, relatedly, to hone the Business Plan’s economic development strategy and agenda moving forward. Taking this survey will be a great opportunity for you to help the state’s leaders better understand what your business needs to grow and succeed. The results will be shared with us once they are tallied and if the survey gets enough responses, results will be shown by industry and region. 

What else you need to know
A couple of things to note: 

  • OBP partners have contracted with DHM Research to execute the survey. Using a third party for the survey assures that your responses will be strictly confidential. 
  • The survey is intended for senior executives of businesses headquartered or operating in Oregon. 

Your candid responses will be extremely helpful and will go a long way in building a better understanding of the challenges you face in building a thriving business among the state’s leaders.

Please take the survey by Monday, September 16th:
