Lane County Economic Indicators – July 2019

The Oregon Employment Department provides the latest economic data in our area. The July 2019 Lane County Economic Indicators are out now and also available HERE.

This month’s articles include:
· Lane County Travel Spending Continues to Grow
Lane County’s travel and tourism industry continued to grow in 2018, the ninth year of growth after dropping off during the Great Recession.
· Long-Term Job Openings Fueled by Replacements
Nine out of 10 total job openings (2.4 million) are expected to be due to the need to replace workers who retire or otherwise leave their occupation.
· Migration to Oregon, an Update
In terms of where migrants are moving from, it typically is everywhere in the country except for Washington.
If you have a data question or want to learn more about any of these topics, contact:
Henry L. Fields, Workforce Analyst/Economist
Serving Lane County
Oregon Employment Department
(541) 359-9178