Springfield Economic Development Agency Receives Response to Request for Qualified Developers of Riverfront Site

On August 31, the City of Springfield Oregon’s urban renewal Agency, Springfield Economic Development Agency (SEDA), released a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) seeking a well-qualified and experienced developer to implement the community vision for the SEDA owned Glenwood Riverfront site. The vision for the nine acre site was drafted with extensive community engagement and outlined within the Glenwood Refinement Plan. The vision includes development of a vibrant riverfront neighborhood that promotes density and a mix of housing, a focus on access to the riverfront and open spaces, and incorporation of commercial and hospitality opportunities.
SEDA is pleased to announce that one RFQ submission was received from development team Edlen & Company and deChase Miksis. The Edlen & Company and deChase Miksis development team combines experience across local, regional, and national markets and many years of constructed and successful projects.
“Springfield is very pleased to receive a submission from a development firm demonstrating such a wide range of experience in mixed-use and public private partnership projects,” said SEDA Board Chair Marilee Woodrow. “Their submission highlights projects and approaches which we’re looking forward to learning more about as we move through the next phases of the RFQ review and selection process.”
“We are extremely excited for the opportunity to work with the City of Springfield on this legacy project. The high value adjacencies of the site and the foundational work put in place by the City and the SEDA Board make this an exciting redevelopment opportunity.”
The release of this RFQ marks SEDA’s first formal public process for requesting submissions from qualified developers. SEDA remains on track to review and confirm the qualifications and intent to move forward with the submitting team by the end of this year. The development team is currently planned for a SEDA Board presentation during the November 22 SEDA regular meeting.
The Edlen & Company and deChase Miksis submittal can be found on the City’s website at Glenwood Riverfront Design RFQ – City of Springfield Oregon (springfield-or.gov)
Photo of site provided courtesy of the City of Springfield, Oregon.